Good animation project for the entry-level position?
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I love everyone
2003-11-10 03:12:11 UTC
I've prepared myself for being a 3D computer animator so far. I
already sent the VHS tapes of my animation to several companies for an
intern position and none of them hired me. I know it's because the
economy is so slow these days but I suspect that the portfolio I made
did not reach the industry's standard even as an intern.

The best thing I can do is just to reveal my project to you critics
through the internet and get comments, but please let me take the
second best way to solve the problem. I would like to see some amateur
projects which are good enough to get an intern or entry-level
animatior position.

I wonder if there's any good galleries which are suitable for my
2003-11-10 10:37:25 UTC
I read on one website (I don't remember the address) that the key
things are imagination and the ability to learn; anyone can do shampoo
bottles and spaceships. You should create something unique to you.
What was your video like?

Maybe you should look out for career advice like this rather than
That's just my thoughts though, I don't work as a 3D artist :)
2003-11-10 19:05:47 UTC
Post by Jonathan
I read on one website (I don't remember the address) that the key
things are imagination and the ability to learn; anyone can do shampoo
bottles and spaceships.
Sure, just as anyone can make a simple character, a car, or terrain. The
question is how unique they are. Another example is how good your textures
are and how well they hold up under animation. Creative use of shaders and
lighting can make a huge difference as well. Experiment. Lets say you put
a "dirty" texture on a car. You will also have to have a matching
grayscale texture for specularity where the patches of dirt are, or it
wont look right. The same would go for reflectivity. Stuff like that.

But you are right, the way the economy is, these places can expect to get
highly trained and experienced people for entry level positions. This is
not to say that anyone would automatically turn down true talent (as in
any business). But its an employers market and a pain in the ass. I once
got turned down for one not because of lack of talent, but because of a
lack of business experience. Yet the job didnt say such experience was
needed. Ah well.

As for spaceships... if its something new and fresh you should do it.
Whoever came up with the design for the shadow vessels on B5 did a great
job. Also on screen they were made in such a way as tho they appeared
alive. They are quite simple really but totally unique.
